Digital Asset Custody:
VCs & Funds
Maximise opportunities with the widest asset support and manage risk with highly customisable governance and security controls.
Buy, sell or hold the widest range of assets
Navigate the markets and access deep liquidity across various risk profiles seamlessly.
Broad asset support for over 1000+ tokens and 40+ chains across public and private chains
Access aggregated liquidity, even in cold storage
In-custody settlement, DeFi access and more
Highly customisable governance and security controls
Highly customisable controls for various governance needs such as whitelisting, user roles and our proprietary governance quorum policies.
Approval policies and user roles
Bankruptcy remote protections
Operate flexibly between hot, warm and cold wallts
Your crypto assets are kept safe and insured for with a licensed, back-backed qualified custodian.
Fully air-gapped cold wallets, powered by MPC-CMP
Industry's-fastest SLA track record of 2 hours
Insured across full lifecycle